
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluate stages? (Ancillary Task)

For planning, i used media technologies to search for other pieces of work in which i can draw inspiration from. For example i used the internet to search for other digipaks and concert posters that famous music artists have produced, or that other media students from previous years had made. This is important as you can see what elements work well, and which dont and then add them to your work, or choose to leave them out - this way you give the audience what they want and they will be more likely to buy our product.

I also used media technologies whilst planning my work - using a digital camera we went to different locations and took preliminary shots of the seaside and around the school. This is important as it gives you an idea of what different locations would look like on camera and you can decide whether it will work in your final product or not.

For the construction of our ancillary tasks, we used the photo editing suite 'Photoshop'. With this programme we can edit images in many different ways and add effects that will make your piece of work unique and how you would like it. We used this though out all our tasks and i believe the outcome was brilliant.

A final way we used media technologies tn our ancillary tasks is in our evaluation. In order to get some audience feedback we posted our work on the popular social networking site Facebook. We got multiple people giving us feedback on our work including what went well, and what we could do to improve it.

1 comment:

  1. You need to expand the section on Photo shop. Detail what specific techniques/effects you used and how they influenced your work and appealed to your audience. JIN
