
Friday, 22 October 2010

Fat Boy Slim

We have shifted our genre from 'Drum n Bass' to 'Big Beat'. Some artists in this genre are Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim and Faithless.

His most famous songs are Rockafeller Skank, Praise You, Brimful of Asha - Cornershop(Norman Cook remix), Weapon of Choice, Gangster Trippin’, I See You Baby - Groove Armada(Fatboy Slim remix), Wonderful Night, Right Here, Right Now.


The Chemical Brothers...

The Chemical Brothers are the UK-based Grammy Award winning electronic music and rave duo of Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons. Along with The Prodigy, Fatboy Slim and The Crystal Method, as well as other lesser-known acts they were pioneers of the big beat electronic dance genre, and are known for high-quality live sets.

Their first album 'Exit Planet Dust' was released in 1995, along with a name change of the band - from The Dust Brothers, too the Chemical Brothers. They have 6 albums overall, with a new one coming out next year called 'Further'

This is a list of the current albums from 'The Chemical Brothers'.

- Exit Planet Dust
- Dig Your Own Hole
- Surrender
- Come with Us
- Push the Button
- We Are the Night
- Further

Last Lesson...

Last lesson we started the planning for our music video, we had to start deciding where we were going to set the video and do location research for it. Me, todd and jacob have decided to film in multiple locations including portsmouth and london. We have decided that as jacob is going to portsmouth he will take some film and pictures whilst he is there so that we can get an idea of the location before we have to go there and film. Then one day all 3 of us will go up to london to film some key shots, and some backgrounds for the green screen.
We also started to plan our story board in the lesson, but need more location research before we can start an accuratle one.

Location Research:
- Some shots of the sea coming in and out.
- Shots of tall buildings.
- Shots of character going along beach.
- Character standing against the sea lip syncing.

- Shots of character standing against the river thames.
- Shots of famous landmarks such as the london eye.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Green Screen...

Last week we had a lesson learning ot use a green screen - it is important that you set up the screen correctly or it will not work corredtly. The correct lighting must be used on the screen so that the green colours ar all the same. You also need to make sure that when you film you do not capture anything outside of the screen or it will casue problems later in editing.

Audience Analysis...

From our results, we have decided to aim our music video towards White British males around the age of 16-20. Our music video will mainly be narrative with cuts to performance. We will make sure our video is ok for all audiences to view by making sure the lyrics are clean and there are no strong themes portrayed. When advertising our music video, we will emphasise the ability to buy online and download it as few people in our questionnaire go to shops to buy music. Drum & Bass was the favourite genre of the people we questionned, so our song and video will be Drum & Bass.

Initial Ideas...

Our initial thoughts were to have a female artist be our performer to a Drum & Bass song. Our first song that we chose to do was Sub Focus - Splash ft. Coco with Lauren Goldsack as the singer. An initial location we had in mind was Boxhill with the scenery behind and changes in scenery without having to travel too far. We think that some lyrics will fit in with Boxhill's scenery and atmosphere; the chorus would be a good section to keep coming back to here.

One prop idea was to have a giant Chubba Chups lolly, to be used to show abstract or a prop during performance. To gather our ideas we had a group discussion just suggesting ideas and see how the group responded. We chose the Drum & Bass genre purely because we thought that not many other people would choose the same and we wanted to challenge ourselves and take ourselves out of our comfort zones. When Designing our CD cover, we decided to advertise an offer of being able to download something for free if you buy it, to help encourage people to buy a CD as most would rather download it.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Final Cut Express Practice...

This is a screenshot of our practice lesson on Final Cut Express, in this lesson we put up a green screen in the classroom and recorded videos of us lip syncing to a song, in our case it was Justin Bieber and Sean Kingstons 'Einee Meinee'. After we uploaded the video onto the macs, we imported it into final cut to prepare for editing, we entered the settings and filtered out the green from the green screen - then replaced it with a background.

This is our final product after all the changes.

Photoshop Work in Progress...

This is my project while it is open in photoshop on the Mac. I used many different tools and methods to get the final result including, gradient - which helped me make a background. Magnetic lasso which allowed me to crop the subject and the lamppost out of the background.
With the use of different layers i can edit different elements in the project which helps me manage my project effectively.

Photoshop CD Cover Analysis ...

This is my the product of my practice on photoshop, I like that it is fairly simple and involves mainly 2 colours - yellow and blue. I like the fact that it is not too complicated because I think it is easy to look at, or in really life it would be the kind of thing i would want to buy.
I used the photoshop tools 'gradient' to get the background, I like the way it starts off as white and then fades into a darker blue. I cropped the picture of jacob leaning against a lamppost so that i could get rid of the background as i didnt think it fitted the style i was looking for.

Photography Analysis ...

In this picture there are many elements i like and think would be good for making a CD cover - I like the way the shot is framed, it is tilted so that the lamp post and subject or slanted forwards - this gives it a sense of surrealism. I also thought that the colours in the photo are good and effective for the genre. There are lots of strong greens in the photo which stand out against the rest of the photo. The shot is a long shot as you can see the whole of the subject in the shot and the whole of the lamppost is shown.

This photo is also a longshot and only has one subject. He is slightly alligned to the right with a door to the left and he is leaning on a fence. The pose he is striking shows that he is gazing at something, this shows a sense of wonder and abstractism - which i think suits our genre and the kind of instruments that are going to be used in the song we use for our video.